Brainhack School 2023 

La Dra. Victoria Gradin y el Dr. Álvaro Cabana, con el apoyo de CICADA se encuentran organizando una sucursal local de la escuela internacional Brainhack School sobre ciencia de datos aplicada a neurociencia (en particular neuroimagen). La escuela es organizada por la Universidad de Montréal, Canada, y replicada localmente en 9 laboratorios del mundo. Se trata de un evento intensivo, basado en módulos con recursos online, prácticas y sesiones sincrónicas presenciales y virtuales, y trabajo basado en proyectos. Más información, y el enlace para la inscripción se encuentran a continuación.

Dear Neuroscience Community, 

We are pleased to announce that Brainhack School 2023 is now open for student registrations! 

The Brainhack School is a 4-week long and hybrid project-based training in neural data science that will be held from the 8th of May – the 2nd of June across nine worldwide hubs, and you are invited to attend! 

The school welcomes students with training in neuroscience, psychology, and/or computer science. During the first half of the school, the students will complete training modules and develop skills in implementing open data science tools and practices in neuroscience research. In the second half of the school, students will work on projects they propose and implement the skills they have learned. At the end of the school, students will present their projects. 

After completing module exercises and regular engagement in the school’s activities, submitting the final project will reflect the student’s successful graduation. Several hub institutes offer the school as an accredited course – for more information about the hub locations, please check the Brainhack School hub locations webpage. 


Last but not least, throughout the school, students will be part of an international Discord server to raise questions and get feedback from their peers and expert instructors worldwide.  

If you are interested in participating as a student, please submit the registration form by the 9th of April, 2023. After evaluation, successful applicants will be contacted by the school.

The Brainhack School is in partnership with several Canadian neuroscience organizations, including Unifying Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence – Québec, UNIQUE, and Tanenbaum Open Science Institute (TOSI – Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), which aims to unify the members of the neuroscience community across various sub-disciplines to create tools and platforms for open, accessible, and collaborative scientific activities. 

Please follow updates about the Brainhack School from our website and mastodon account.

On behalf of the Brainhack School Organization Committee

Isil Poyraz Bilgin, Pierre Bellec, Hao-Ting Wang, Natasha Clarke